CSIM: Coastline Structure Interaction
CSIM is a one-dimensional numerical shoreline evolution model developed by Middle East Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, Ocean Engineering Research Center (Artagan,
2006; Baykal, 2006; Safak, 2006; Esen, 2007).
CSIM simulates the shoreline changes considering structure interference. CSIM may be applied for longshore sediment transportation problems and to simulate shoreline changes that occur due to most of the coastal defense structures, especially for groins, T-groins, offshore breakwaters, and seawalls. An important advantage of CSI is that combined diffraction and refraction calculations can be performed in the vicinity of coastal structures including different combinations of structural applications.
CSIM includes an option in which the user is given a choice whether to use an explicit approach or an implicit approach to determine the shoreline changes due to wind wave-induced longshore sediment transport. Basic inputs of CSIM are annual wave data, shoreline coordinates, and coastal bottom slope. Wate data may be introduced to the program as representative wave data transformed to a chosen reference depth from deep water by performing diffraction, shoaling and refraction within the program. Wave data constitutes one of the main inputs of the shoreline change models. Due to its easy handling, it is preferred to use wave data which defines the wave climate of a region through a certain time period instead of real wave time series.
- Artagan, S.S., (2006). A One-Line Numerical Model for Shoreline Evolution under the Interaction of Wind Waves and Offshore Breakwaters, M.S. Thesis, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
- Baykal, C., (2006). Numerical Modeling of Wave Diffraction in One-Dimensional Shoreline Change Model, M.S. Thesis, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
- Esen, M., (2007). An Implicit One-Line Numerical Model on Longshore Sediment Transport, M.S. Thesis, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
- Safak, I., (2006). Numerical Modeling of Longshore Sediment Transport, M.S. Thesis, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
- Güler, I., Baykal, C., Ergin, A., (2008), Shore Stabilization by Artificial Nourishment, A Case Study: A Coastal Erosion Problem in Side, Turkey, Proc. of 7th Int. Conf. on Coastal and Port Eng. in Developing Countries, 24-28 Feb. 2008, Dubai, UAE. Paper No: G-06.
- Ergin, A., Güler, I., Yalçıner, A.C., Baykal, C., Artagan S.S., Şafak, I., (2006), A One-Line Numerical Model for Wind Wave Induced Shoreline Changes, 7th Int. Cong. on Advances in Civil Eng., Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.