Ongoing Projects
- EU-JRC/DG-ECHO/UNESCO-IOC. Strengthening the Resilience of Coastal Communities in the North East Atlantic, Mediterranean Region to the Impact of Tsunamis and Other Sea Level-Related Coastal Hazards, CoastWAVE (2021-2024)
- TUBITAK-MINCIENCIAS. Coastal scenery as core element to calculate vulnerability and support normative regulation of the coastal zones of Colombia and Turkey (2022-2024).
- TUBITAK-1001. Fault Based Probabilistic Tsunami Generation and Hazard Analysis for Aegean Coasts: Online Interactive Tsunami Information System (2021-2024).
- TUBITAK-1001. Modeling the Effects of Different Units and Placement Methods on Wave Overtopping and Forces Acting on Crown-Walls of Rubble Mound Breakwaters (2022-2024).
- TUBITAK-1001. Vulnerability of Coastal Cultural Heritage Areas to Sea Level Rise and Its Impacts (2022-2025).
- WECANet COST Action CA17105: A pan-European Network for Marine Renewable Energy
Past Selected Projects
- European Union FP7: ASTARTE, Assessment, Strategy and Risk Reduction for Tsunamis in Europe –
- European Union FP7: COCONET, Towards Coast to Coast Networks of marine protected areas
- European Union FP7: TRANSFER, Tsunami Risk and Strategies for European Region
- Erasmus+ Project TROYO, “Training of Youth for Preparedness Against Marine Induced Hazards”, Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, 2015-3-TR01-KA205-024506 (2016-2018) –
- EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection, TSUMAPS-NEAM, Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard MAPS for the NEAM Region –
- Joint call project no. 108Y227 in the framework of CONCERT-Japan (FP7), ERA-NET (2012-2015): RAPSODI, Risk Assessment and design of Prevention Structures fOr enhanced tsunami Disaster resilience.
- TUBITAK-RFBR (Russian Foundation for Basic Research) Joint Project no. 213M534: Black Sea Extreme Events Such as Storm Surge, Tsunami, Freak Wave
- TUBITAK-1001, Project No. 108M589: Project on Vulnerability Analysis of Coasts Against Climate Change Supported with A Sediment Model
- Rize-Artvin Airport Wind and Wave Climate Studies, Physical Model Experiments on Performance of XBloc® Breakwater
- Tsunami and Storm Surge Evaluation for Yenikapı and Üsküdar Stations of Marmaray BC1 Tunnel Project
- SISTEMA WALCON, Italy: Model Studies of Navene Yacht Harbor Garda Lake Italy
- UDAP-Ç-12-14 project by Disaster Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey (AFAD)
- Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communication: Risk Assessment at Selected Coastal Facilities in Turkey
- Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and OYO Int. Co. Japan: Tsunami Risk Map of Istanbul